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Shortcuts in Photoshop + hidden actions!
Professionals do everything to speed up the pace of their work, starting with purchasing a powerful computer and graphic board and ending with improving their skills, but sometimes all you need is to memorize a few keyboard shortcuts that can play an important role in your workflow.
I have always loved shortcuts.
On the way to the grocery store (and I always got confused), doing homework (and I always got caught), tidying and cleaning the house and more...
In fact, the only place the shortcuts were useful to me was when working on the computer.
In our work race every second is critical and all we want is to do as much as possible!
The idea for this mini-course was born from the need to teach the users of this amazing software
As many useful shortcuts as possible, the whole purpose of which is to shorten the user's working time!
In addition, after quite a few years of experience in training beginners and advanced users,
I found out that even users with a lot of experience in the software do not know the most hidden and necessary actions in Photoshop!
That's why I collected all the shortcuts, hidden actions and work methods that I've been working with for years
And I decided to combine them into one, professional and extremely useful video!

Knowing the Photoshop keyboard shortcuts can significantly increase the overall experience and performance for producing quality images. Not to mention that you will look "professional" in front of your friends!
So what exactly is this mini course?
On the net there is no shortage of guides and endless tables for keyboard shortcuts in Adobe software.
But unlike everyone else and from personal experience with the shortcuts that are really useful to us as photographers, I have grouped all the keyboard shortcuts for you in a very clear and orderly way in a video that visually demonstrates all the actions so that everything is more understandable and easy
Emphasizing what is important to us as photographers in image processing and digital album design!
Also, there are many hidden actions in Photoshop that the only way to reach them is only through the keyboard
And without any tool leading to this action, much to my surprise there are quite a few users who are simply unaware of these actions!
And in order to work regularly, quickly and professionally, we must get to know the hidden options and actions that Photoshop allows us.
Therefore, if you also want to work like the professionals and if your time is too important to you to waste it on cumbersome work
And all you're looking for is an easy way to streamline your work and significantly shorten it, this mini-course is just for you!
A really tiny taste from the full mini course
I am here for you for any question!
So what exactly is this mini course?
The mini course that will make your life much easier
at a launch price of
*The price includes VAT
Also, for your convenience, the payments can be spread out | You can pay with all types of credit cards!
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