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Shortcuts and hidden actions

Shortcuts and hidden actions


On the net there is no shortage of guides and endless tables for keyboard shortcuts in Adobe software.
But unlike everyone else and from personal experience with the shortcuts that are really useful to us as photographers, I have grouped all the keyboard shortcuts for you in a very clear and orderly way in a video that visually demonstrates all the actions so that everything is more understandable and easy
Emphasizing what is important to us as photographers in image processing and digital album design!

Also, there are many hidden actions in Photoshop that the only way to reach them is only through the keyboard 
And without any tool leading to this action, much to my surprise there are quite a few users who are simply unaware of these actions!
And in order to work regularly, quickly and professionally, we must get to know the hidden options and actions that Photoshop allows us.

Therefore, if you also want to work like the professionals and if your time is too important to you to waste it on cumbersome work
And all you're looking for is an easy way to streamline your work and significantly shorten it, this mini-course is just for you!


To go to the full syllabus of the course, click here!

  • What is included?

    A detailed video tutorial on the keyboard shortcuts and hidden actions in Photoshop

  • Compatible with:

    This mini-course is fully compatible with PC and Mac



Any questions? I'm here to help!

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